Monday, November 7, 2016

10312016 Cometh through much Fasting and Prayer

This week was good! There were several fun/stressful/interesting experiences this week.
The first and maybe most stressful is as follows:   A person texted us and said “I think I can meet tomorrow.”   I looked at the name couldn't remember who it was, so I looked in some of the records where I thought I recognized the name from and found a guy who had a lot of potential and wants to learn but just never had time. So, I texted back and said of course! Come time for the appointment, a lady comes to the church. . . that was already super stressful, since we aren't allowed to meet with sisters alone.   I quickly texted the sisters and asked them to come to the church.  My companion, the lady and I just talked while we waited for the sisters. When the sisters came to the door they saw who it was and didn't come in. They texted me and asked who it was. At this point in time I realized it was a lady I had called that the sisters had met before who was a really strong Jehovah's witness. And they did not have a good experience with her.  The sisters thought I was trying to go behind their back or something. I wasn't: the names are just almost exactly the same as our other old investigator.  So an awkward talk with this lady and the sisters ended. And I had to explain everything to the sisters. It all turned out okay, but a funny and stressful experience. 

The next is we met this guy from England. He believes in astrotheology.  Basically science with a slight tie to religion.  So we talked on the street for like 20 minutes and met yesterday. His understanding of truth is very close to ours. It is amazing. But sad because I don't think he has much potential to change his opinion. He believes we are intelligences that have enough power to impact the matter around us, so if we search for an answer we could likely hear a voice or whatever confirming our question... But it reaffirmed to me that our church truly fits with science and that God truly gives to all who are searching just in the way they need it at the time!

The best moment of the week however was during personal study. I have been trying to have a question going into personal study every day. Then I often just keep reading where I am and try to find an answer. This one day my question is how do I rely on Christ? I know I need to, but in moments from day to day and stuff I don't know how to do it. So I was reading in Matthew and I read where Christ heals the lunatic and says this comes not our through prayer and fasting.  I guess I didn't find anything really related to what I was saying but then my mind just clicked (#inspiration) and I realized this is what God wants me to do. So many of my short comings come not out but through fasting and prayer. So that is what I am focusing on :) It was a great confirmation to me that God is real, and does give small but powerful pushes.

All of our investigators didn't keep their commitments but are still slowly progressing I believe. And a cool miracle--a guy I talked to on the street wanted to learn English, but went to Australia. He got back, called me and came to English. Then at English he asked when Church was and came to that as well! So although he isn't an investigator he came to church which was awesome!   :)
Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Sabey

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